Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Four Months

Sweet Quinny Beth, at four months you are:

-You are wearing 3 month and some 3-6 month clothing.
-You are wearing a size 1 diaper
-You weighed in at 13 lbs 14 oz (50 percentile)
-You are over 25 inches tall (90 percentile)
-Your head size is in the 75 percentile, but I don't remember the exact measurement
-You still get breast milk exclusively and I usually nurse you when I'm around rather than giving a bottle
-You get bottles at daycare and take 5 oz every time
-Ms. Amy has really worked with you on holding your bottle and now you can do it by yourself!! I'm so proud of you!!
-You are not an amazing sleeper :)
-You usually sleep no more than 4 hour stretches at night - Mommy is starting to get worn down :)
-You still sleep in our room since you're up so much - soon...very soon you will be in your crib
-You are an awesome napper - usually with 3 naps during the day ranging from 1-3.5 hours
-You really like to laugh at me and especially your Daddy - it's the sweetest sound ever!
-You constantly have something in your mouth - mostly your hands
-You still love your paci at night and when you're not in a familiar place
-You aren't big on crying a ton, but when you do cry it's extra loud! :)
-You talked to us ALL.THE.TIME and will try to mimic our mouth movement
-You love to blow bubbles and laugh so hard if you cover yourself in drool
-You definitely prefer to sit up - if we lay you on your back you're bringing your chin to your chest trying to get up!
-You will roll all over the place now...back to belly, belly to back
-You usually scream if you've been on your belly too long :)
-You will grab ahold of a few toys, but mostly prefer your lovey and baby doll Nana got you
-You will try to turn your head all the way around when me or your Daddy come in the room and you hear melts our hearts!
-Your eyes are still blue, and your hair might be getting a little's definitely quite a bit longer!
-You love your cousin Emily and Papa....they never fail to make you laugh and smile so much!
-You made your first long car ride to Benton and were slept the entire way there and the entire way back...Mommy and Daddy were so thankful for that!!! :)
-You loved seeing Nana, Mimi, Papa, Aunt Trish, Uncle Ron, Uncle David, Aunt Karla, and especially Uncle officially have the Smily family wrapped around your little finger! 
-You love the jumperoo and bumbo a lot this month
-You had another ear infection and had to take more antibiotics :(
-Your little nails are growing like weeds and have to be cut at least once a week if not more!
-You got in your first "fight" at school :) Another sweet girl in your class named Riley has really long and curly hair. Apparently you like long, curly hair because you were laid beside her and would not let go.  Miss Riley was not a fan of you grabbing her hair so she kept slapping your nose. You wouldn't let go and she wouldn't quit slapping so you were both a bit inconsolable for a few minutes after you were separated. 
Quinny, your Daddy and I love you SO much! I cannot believe how fast you are still growing and how lovable you are. I wish I could freeze time!! You're becoming even more precious every day and we love watching your little personality come to light! We love you to the moon and back baby girl!