Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 1, 2012

9 months!

Our beautiful Quinny, you are NINE months old now and are the sweetest little girl! This month:

  • You are wearing size 3 diaper still and mostly size 9 month clothes. You can fit into a few 12 month things.
  • You will wear a bow for about 3 minutes before it comes off and goes in your mouth...if we're lucky. One day you'll love bows! :)
  • We'll find out how much you weigh Tuesday at your appointment! I know you have gained so much weight lately!
  • You still have two teeth. I don't think more will be coming any time soon. The drool has all but stopped.
  • You are sleeping a teeny tiny bit better now. :) You go to sleep between 6:30-7 every night (thank you daylight savings....) and usually get up twice if not three times. You take a morning nap and a really good afternoon nap thankfully!
  • You are nursing still, but usually only once a day. Mommy couldn't keep up with how much you wanted to eat anymore! :(
  • You officially started formula to help get you more of what you needed in terms of ounces. You take at least 5 bottles a day usually at 6 ounces each.
  • You eat a fruit mixed with oatmeal for breakfast, a fruit and veggie for lunch, a veggie for afternoon snack, and a fruit and veggie for dinner. This is all on top of the milk! Your appetite has increased by about 1000% this month. :)
  • You are doing much better in terms of what you will eat. You'll actually eat most veggies now if they're mixed. You still won't do anything green unless it has something extra added to it.
  • You get really vocal if we're not feeding you fast enough. :)
  • You will eat some of the puff snacks and love mum mums. You've only had the banana flavor of those. We're going to try cheerios soon.
  • You beg like a dog if Mommy gets biscuits and gravy for breakfast on the weekends. We swear you can smell it as soon as we walk in with it and BAM! You're at Mommy's side looking up with your mouth open!
  • Sippy cups are just toys in your mind and usually end up chunked across the room! It's a favorite game of yours.
  • You army crawl everywhere!!!
  • You like to scoot over the dog food and water bowls. Basically, anything we don't want you to have you want. :)
  • The jenny jump-up and pack and play have become Mommy and Daddy's favorite baby "toys" while we get ready for the day.
  • You have quit reaching for people when they try to get you to come to them unless it's Mommy, Daddy, or Nanny.
  • You wake up in the BEST moods with the BIGGEST smiles. It melts our hearts!
  • You have severe separation anxiety when it comes to Mommy. If I'm not near you there are loud screams and big tears!
  • If someone tries to hold you it usually ends up with lots of tears.
  • You love to scream when you are playing with your toys. It's adorable!!
  • You still only say "papa"
  • Your Dad will try to get you to say Dada and it usually ends with you whispering Papa instead.
  • You will wave, but instead of waving to others you always turn your hand to wave at yourself.
  • You will clap when you get really excited.
  • You love to drum on things!
  • You are so ticklish and will laugh SO hard!!
  • You LOVE bath time and have so much fun playing with your toys and splashing water everywhere.
  • You love watching the dogs and will laugh so hard if they acknowledge you.
  • You would much rather play with boxes than your baby toys.
  • You would also rather be playing outside than inside even if it's cold.

  • Sweet Quinn, you melt our hearts on a daily basis. We love your sweet, innocent little laugh and big beautiful smile. Every day keeps getting better. We can't wait to experience the next month with you and celebrate the Holidays. You are bringing the joy back into the season, and we know it will be priceless! We love to the moon and back precious girl!

    Thursday, November 22, 2012


    I have SO much to be thankful for this year! I have a house for my family, a job to provide for my family, a car to get us anywhere we need and want to go, a family that supports any decision we want to make for our family, meals on our table every day, friends that go above and beyond to make me feel loved, and so much more. 

    But I am most thankful for CJ and our sweet Quinn. CJ loves me no matter the minute, hour, or day. He provides more than I could ever imagine, and he is the best Daddy I've ever seen. His love for our sweet Quinn and family shows at all times. He lights up when she's around, and I wouldn't trade a single minute of seeing them bond and play together.  

    Quinn is the biggest blessing I've ever been given in my life. I can't even begin to explain the amount of love I have for my precious girl. There's not a single day where I want to be anywhere but with her. I love every tear and every smile. I never ever want to take her for granted. I love you so much baby girl! You've had my heart from the moment I found out I was pregnant with you, and you will have it the rest of your life! 

    Happy Thanksgiving from our sweet girl! 

    Tuesday, November 20, 2012


    I CANNOT believe we are under 4 months until sweet Quinny turns ONE! These past 8 months have flown by and I wouldn't change a single thing (well, maybe except the never sleeping part) :) Sweet Quinny, this month:

    • Your bottom two teeth have come in at practically the same time - the left one came in about 1-2 days before the right one.
    • You were NOT a happy teether. In fact, you were pretty much miserable the entire time. Poor girl!!
    • You love to sit up and play with your toys - you are a lot better about independent play time!
    • You love to stand if we're holding you. Sweet girl, you have strong legs!!
    • You will still only say Papa....little girl, you need to learn Mama! :)
    • You like to use those sweet little teeth sometimes when you're nursing...not very fun! ;)
    • You will laugh and laugh if we tickle your ribs. It melts this Momma's heart!
    • You will pretty much only eat sweet potatoes, corn, pears, pineapple, and bananas. If it's anything else you like to spit it back in Mommy's face and give me a bad look.
    • You will only take one bite if you don't like something. If it's not something new, you will clamp your little mouth closed - so opinionated!
    • You may be a picky eater, but you are a Weatherford and I know you get plenty of food! :)
    • You still love bath time and will play in there until you're all wrinkled up.
    • You still don't sleep well. I'll just leave it at that.
    • You wear a size 3 diaper.
    • You wear mostly 9 month clothes...we pretty much skipped completely over size 6 month. Thank goodness we didn't buy a lot of that!
    • You do NOT like jeans. You will pull at them and whine until they're off. Thank goodness Mommy has you a million dresses for next summer rather than shorts! 
    • You still do really well at daycare and seem to love your teachers. 
    • You're sometimes a bully at school still and like to steal other baby's pacis. We'll work on that one day! :) 
    • You may sleep really bad at night, but at least you nap well!
    • You started yogurt and you seem to like it a lot!
    • You had tubes put in after more than 10 ear infections, 10 days of antibiotics, 4 days of 2 shots per day, and 10 more days of antibiotics with the infection not going away.
    • You officially started the separation anxiety stage the day of surgery. You clinged to Mommy, and it melted my heart instantly and did not make it easy to hand you over to the scrub nurse.
    • You were a monkey for Halloween and got to go trick or treating around Mommy & Daddy's office. Everyone loved your little costume that Daddy picked out! :) 

    My sweet Quinn, you are SUCH A JOY! I never knew how much I could love someone until I had you. We love every second we get to spend with you. Your smile lights up a room and instantly makes people love you and want to talk to you. You are a crowd pleaser and love to make people laugh. I say it every month, but I cannot wait to see what's in store for your future. Every stage gets better and I love you more every day! Mommy and Daddy love you to the moon and back!!!!!!!

    Tuesday, October 30, 2012

    SEVEN Months!!!

    This is WAY late....I'll be doing an 8 month post VERY soon! :) I still wanted to get this up before I forget pretty much everything! 

    My beautiful, sweet Quinny - at SEVEN months: 
    • You are wearing size 6 month clothing, size newborn shoe, and size 2 diaper
    • You have the tiniest feet I've ever seen on a baby and it's adorable!
    • You weigh right around 16 pounds
    • You are pretty awful at sleeping at night :) It has A LOT to do with the fact that you pretty much have an ear infection at all times
    • Even though you don't sleep through the night you go to bed very easily
    • You have  great evening routine - solids at 5:30, nurse at 6:30, bath, and bed no later than 7:15
    • You do pretty well with napping usually taking 2 a day usually between 1-3 hours each
    • Your bald spot on the back is finally filling in a little bit from when it all fell out after birth
    • You now have two teeth - that was an awful few days, but we got through it and you're back to being extra happy again
    • You're still sitting just fine and can do it for as long as you want
    • You're not crawling just yet - there are days when we think you're going to take off and others where you don't seem interested at all
    • You LOVE sweet potatoes, pears, bananas with orange juice mixed in, and pretty much anything that isn't green :)
    • You will say Pa-Pa - are get SO proud of yourself - if we try to get you to say Mama or DaDa you just repeat PaPa back to us :)
    • You are a mama's girl BIG TIME. You reach for me and hold on to melts my heart! 

    We love you SO much Quinn. Each month is turning into our favorite and we cannot wait for the months and years to come. It's going to be so fun!! The holidays coming up soon will be putting a spark back into the entire family. We love you to the moon and back, baby girl! 

    Saturday, September 22, 2012


    Sweet Quinny, you are six months old (as of September 1st) and are just SO fun!! This month:

    • You are wearing 6-9 month clothes and size 2 diapers.
    • You weigh 15lbs 14oz (50th percentile) and you are over 26 inches long (50th percentile). You're long and skinny just like Mommy and Daddy were as babies!
    • You are finally starting to get in a decent sleep routine - it only took half a year! :)
    • You still usually nap twice a day - one short nap in the morning and another longer nap in the afternoon.
    • You still do well with both bottles and nursing and will eat a few solids (mostly sweet potatoes and pears).
    • You gag until you throw up if you don't like what we're feeding you - quite dramatic!
    • You had a couple weeks where you refused all food except breast milk. We think you just wanted to prove that you're in control. :)
    • You try to sit-up, but usually fall over because you get so excited about sitting up. 
    • You can roll all the way across the room, and will not stay on a blanket. You like to go for leaves and grass at school when you have outside time on your blanket. 
    • You sing and babble ALL.THE.TIME. 
    • You are seriously the happiest baby 99% of the time. There is usually a big smile on your face most of the day! 
    • You have the most beautiful gummy grin.
    • You put EVERYTHING in your mouth! Anything you get your hands on goes straight in your mouth.
    • You will play in your jumper for a little bit, but usually prefer to be on the floor. You love the exersaucer at Nanny's house though - you keep yourself entertained forever.
    • Much to Mommy's dismay, you pull almost every bow off about .000001 seconds after it's on. You like to smile really big after you do that. 
    • You like to people watch and will smile really big at just about anyone that will give you attention. 
    • You and Emma have become extra interested in each other. You'll be the best of friends when you can actually play with her. 
    • Your hair is SO long on top and is finally getting a little longer on the sides. 
    • You still laugh SO hard every time you see Papa. He can always get you to babble and scream so loud! 
    We love you SO much baby girl. These first six months have gone by incredibly fast with each month getting better and better. We don't want you to grow so fast, but each stage has been SO fun!!!!!! We're getting into the fall season and know it's going to be the best fall we've ever had as a family. Love you to the moon and back sweet girl!