Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 22, 2012


I have SO much to be thankful for this year! I have a house for my family, a job to provide for my family, a car to get us anywhere we need and want to go, a family that supports any decision we want to make for our family, meals on our table every day, friends that go above and beyond to make me feel loved, and so much more. 

But I am most thankful for CJ and our sweet Quinn. CJ loves me no matter the minute, hour, or day. He provides more than I could ever imagine, and he is the best Daddy I've ever seen. His love for our sweet Quinn and family shows at all times. He lights up when she's around, and I wouldn't trade a single minute of seeing them bond and play together.  

Quinn is the biggest blessing I've ever been given in my life. I can't even begin to explain the amount of love I have for my precious girl. There's not a single day where I want to be anywhere but with her. I love every tear and every smile. I never ever want to take her for granted. I love you so much baby girl! You've had my heart from the moment I found out I was pregnant with you, and you will have it the rest of your life! 

Happy Thanksgiving from our sweet girl! 

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