Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 29, 2011

15 weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 15 weeks
Size of baby: About 4 inches(size of an apple) and 2 1/2 ounces.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: still at 0.
Maternity Clothes: not yet - I looked at pants, but I'm still in between regular and maternity clothes so it's making it hard
Gender: find out in 5 weeks
Movement: YES! I started feeling baby last Friday, but I was convinced it wasn't baby until I had felt the same thing for 4 days in a row! It's so neat!!!
Sleep: going well minus 3-4 bathroom breaks 

Symptoms: Lower back pain and headaches....I think the headaches are mostly allergy related
What I miss: Mexican food! I tried to eat mojitos last weekend and that ended badly.

Cravings: milk and LOTS of it!
Best Moment this week: hearing the heartbeat again - it was a strong 155
What I am looking forward to: finding out if we're having a boy or girl. I am SO ready!!

I had my 15 week appointment yesterday, and it went really well. CJ and I decided to do the genetic testing and we're anxious to hear back about that. Otherwise, everything was great. Baby had a strong heartbeat and was mad as usual when the doctor pushed on my tummy to find it. I'm always glad for uneventful appointments!

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Purple Pillow

My Dad was the king of buying early Christmas presents. When my Mom and I started going through some of his things after a few days of resting, we found several Christmas presents that were put back for this December including a fuzzy purple pillow. He had bought this for me because he knows my favorite color is purple and that I love having a ton of pillows around me. Mom decided to go ahead and let me take it back home.

Well, ever since the pillow has been in my house it has been a battle between Ella, Norah, Emma, and sometimes Zander to have it. It's the coveted "bed" in the house and has caused a few fights between the pups. Thankfully, Zander gets whatever he wants when I'm around so I don't have to worry about any pups taking it from him. :) That's what aunts are for, right?!

Norah was the winner of the battle for the purple pillow tonight and I snapped a pic of her cuteness with my phone.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

14 weeks and more exciting news!

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 14 weeks
Size of baby: About 3 1/2 inches (size of a lemon) and 1 1/2 ounces.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 0 but I'm sure it's coming
Maternity Clothes: not yet, but I am looking into pants this weekend. Mine are starting to get uncomfortable
Gender: find out in about a month!!

Movement: nothing yet, but I'm excited for it to come
Sleep: still going well minus the 2-3 bathroom breaks. I've also discovered that I cannot sleep through storms anymore. I'm awake the entire time it's raining, etc. NOT fun!

Symptoms: I haven't had much this past week besides lower back pain. I am so thankful for the nausea to be gone!  
What I miss: Mexican food!
Cravings: milk and LOTS of it!
Best Moment this week: Not having nausea!!
What I am looking forward to: finding out if we're having a boy or girl. I am SO ready!!

In other exciting news that I can finally announce, my best friend in the entire world since practically 1st grade is also pregnant!!! I am SO excited that Kat and I have been able to experience this together. She is a couple weeks behind me, but we have so many fun things to look forward to. I cannot wait to start shopping and getting everything ready at the same time. We're also going to the same hospital so we plan to do a few classes together as well.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

A fall project

I love to watch football - both NFL and College, but I always feel lazy if that's all I do all day. So, today I've been getting some much needed cleaning done and also decided to do a fall project. I've seen this a few times on Pinterest, and decided my empty dining room wall would be a perfect spot.

I started with scrapbook paper. The project I saw on Pinterest used fabric, but the scrapbook paper was only 59 cents a piece and also ended up being half off.

I then cut the scrapbook paper to fit into 8x10 frames I found for $3 each at Kohls. I took the picture that came in the frame and traced it on the back of the scrapbook paper to make sure I was cutting the exact size I needed.
I put them in the frames and now my part is done! :) CJ will have to hang them on the wall - I'm terrible at making things straight when hanging so I'll leave that for him to make perfect!

My next project - a fall wreath! I'm a little intimidated by this one because my Mamaw was always the person to make my wreaths so I've been putting it off. I'll post a final pic eventually!

I was also able to get a few fall decorations out today. I love pumpkins and think a person can never have too many! :)  

And because she's cute...Emma was not interested in cleaning, football, or crafts (excuse the grainy iPhone pics)!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Italian Potatoes

I thought I'd post an incredibly easy recipe that I got from my best friend a few years ago. It's one of my absolute favorites and I always make it when CJ and I have several dinner guests because it's always a huge hit!

Ingredients (Feeds 4-5 people)
4 russet potatoes
Fat Free Italian dressing (I get the great value brand)
basil (If I have fresh I will use that. Otherwise, I used dried basil)

Peel potatoes and dice. I usually cut the potato in half first to dice smaller. Place in bowl and add pepper and basil to cover diced potatoes. Mix well. Add half a bottle of Italian dressing. There are three options I use to cook these depending on the night. If I'm grilling, I will make an aluminum foil bowl, add the potatoes, and put on the grill for 30-40 minutes or until done. If I'm baking, I will place in a pyrex pan, cover with foil and bake at 450 degrees for 40-50 minutes. If I'm cooking on the stove top, I will put about 2 tbsp of olive oil in the pan and then add potatoes and cook on medium high for 20-30 minutes stirring regularly. If cooking on a stove top, I usually add more Italian dressing as the potatoes cook.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

13 weeks

I will eventually get more pictures up, but until then...the beginning of the 2nd trimester!!!!!!

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 13 weeks
Size of baby: TINY and about an ounce
Total Weight Gain/Loss: still in the negative -4 lbs
Maternity Clothes: not yet, but I have a feeling the pants will come soon!
Gender: NO idea yet
Movement: not yet, but the Dr. said it will be soon!
Sleep: still going well minus the 2-3 bathroom breaks
Symptoms: nausea is still there, but not often!
What I miss: mexican food!
Cravings: milk and LOTS of it! I've also had random chili cheese dog from sonic cravings
Best Moment this week: my energy finally returning
What I am looking forward to: finding out if we're having a boy or girl and getting started on painting all the (FREE!) nursery furniture

And Just Because.....Uncle Kevy made a trip to Dallas a few weeks back and got baby Beth his/her first Cowboys outfit! :) I'm sure this is the first of many Cowboys outfits our precious little one will have!

Monday, September 5, 2011

12 weeks

The plan is to do a weekly post so that I have plenty to look back on! I am now 12 weeks! I will upload a pic as soon as I get it off my camera. Remember when I mentioned I'm fatigued? :) Well, that means I'm incredibly lazy when I get home.

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 12 weeks
Size of baby: TINY and about an ounce
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Lost 6 lbs
Maternity Clothes: not yet, but I have a feeling the pants will come soon!
Gender: NO idea yet
Movement: not yet, but the Dr. said it will be soon!
Sleep: I am sleeping like a champ -  I can fall asleep as soon as I hit the pillow!! 
Symptoms: nausea, fatigue, etc. Most are getting better and are not a daily thing anymore. FINALLY! :)
What I miss: Mexican food and energy
Cravings: milk and LOTS of it!
Best Moment this week: Hearing the heartbeat and knowing my iron levels are just fine
What I am looking forward to: getting my energy back and finding out if we're having a boy or girl

Friday, September 2, 2011

Telling Family

I've had several people ask how I told CJ but to be honest, it was more CJ telling me. He is the one who convinced me to take a test and had been saying for a few days that I was definitely pregnant. I took five tests just to be sure and we both looked at them together. They obviously all said the same thing. :)

I always thought I would be really creative when telling mine and CJ's family, but I just wanted everyone to know so that I could be surrounded with support. CJ and I did get his Mom and Dad a card that looked like a thank you note for all they had done for us during the week we were in Central Arkansas for my Dad's funeral, etc. We signed our names and added another to the end. Their faces were full of excitement!

Kevin drove my Mom up to our house to bring a few things from Benton and I knew I had to tell them both immediately. There was no card and especially no creativity. CJ and I both told them and they were both incredibly happy for us! I think it's really helping them heal, and I hope that continues. We celebrated afterwards with Olive Garden and I was actually able to eat something other than Cheerios. Progress! :)

Other than telling those in person, most have been told over the phone or through email. Driving to Benton would be impossible especially with the nausea and fatigue. I have been mostly overwhelmed with family support and I am very thankful!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Doctor appointments

I've had two appointments so far and they've both gone well. I've only been to the Dr. twice, but my doctor's office has been amazing. For the first two weeks after I called them I got a phone call daily checking on my stress level and just making sure I was doing OK in general. I'm very thankful for an office full of caring nurses and doctors.

My first appointment was a lot of paperwork and figuring everything out - due dates, insurance, payments, etc. etc. I did have the normal blood tests done plus my extra iron tests. I was VERY nervous about the iron results, because I've struggled with severe anemia since I was about 13. I've been hospitalized twice because of this so hearing the results was something I could hardly wait on. I seem to be right on track with everything I should be doing. I'm taking a daily prenatal vitamin along with DHA, folic acid, and extra iron. My eating is obviously off, but I was told to just wait because the weight gain and eating everything in sight would come. I was given something to help with the nausea, but I've only taken half a pill twice. The medicine knocked me out for several hours so I've not used it often at all.

My second appointment was very exciting! It started with news that my iron levels are the highest I've ever seen them - 14.3! Dr. S said all my other levels are completely normal and that I could go off the extra iron I've been taking for 4+ years. I was so excited to hear this, because I knew it would help with my nausea. CJ and I also got to hear the heartbeat - 165 bpm. Neither of us could wipe the smiles off our faces. Dr. S also said my miserable symptoms should be going away fairly fast. I think that was the best thing I have heard in weeks other than the heartbeat!

After two successful appointments, I'm officially ready to find out what I'm having. This won't be for awhile, but that doesn't stop the planning! I'll post later about colors, furniture, decorations, and all kinds of other things I've had on my mind for the nursery. There will be plenty of pictures, too!