Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, September 2, 2011

Telling Family

I've had several people ask how I told CJ but to be honest, it was more CJ telling me. He is the one who convinced me to take a test and had been saying for a few days that I was definitely pregnant. I took five tests just to be sure and we both looked at them together. They obviously all said the same thing. :)

I always thought I would be really creative when telling mine and CJ's family, but I just wanted everyone to know so that I could be surrounded with support. CJ and I did get his Mom and Dad a card that looked like a thank you note for all they had done for us during the week we were in Central Arkansas for my Dad's funeral, etc. We signed our names and added another to the end. Their faces were full of excitement!

Kevin drove my Mom up to our house to bring a few things from Benton and I knew I had to tell them both immediately. There was no card and especially no creativity. CJ and I both told them and they were both incredibly happy for us! I think it's really helping them heal, and I hope that continues. We celebrated afterwards with Olive Garden and I was actually able to eat something other than Cheerios. Progress! :)

Other than telling those in person, most have been told over the phone or through email. Driving to Benton would be impossible especially with the nausea and fatigue. I have been mostly overwhelmed with family support and I am very thankful!

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